Tuesday 2 August 2016


Waliar Kanry a beautiful small village on the top of the mountain lies near Zizri in Ziarat. It is located before Zizri and about 4kn from Sara Khezi.  It comes on the right hand side of a road if going to Zizri
The village consists of approximately 20 houses. Kakar sub tribe Saizia tribe is the resident of this village and they owned Apple and cherry orchards. The village irrigation is depended on one stream.
Waliar  kandry is also Pronounce as Waladh kadhay .It means standing stone n Pashto language.
Being on the surface of the mountain top, this village is not visible from the road. To reach this village one has to climb up the mountain.  
The village has spectacular beauty. The area is rich with Juniper trees and has beautiful views.  
Huge juniper tress is grown here and far distant mountains including Khilafat peak is visible from this village. 
In severe winters people migrate to other places and this place becomes deserted.    

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