Monday 29 June 2015

Mana Valley and Dam

Mana is a beautiful village in Ziarat district .Mana name is drive from a pashto word which means "Apple". It. has many apple orchards and  famous for the  production of the  best quality of apples of the world. 

Apple Orchard in Mana Valley
Mana valley is located approximately38 kms away from main Ziarat town. Mana valley has  grass and shrubby growth in the plains along with juniper tress . It is a picturesque valley and is blessed with an overall natural beauty. 
Houses in Mana Valley
Mana valley is unique due to the beautiful dam . The dam is named Mana Dam and it  is constructed by provincial irrigation department . It is located in the upper part of the mana valley, This dam is very popular destinaation among tourists as well as local visitors. The dam site provides some very good locations for camping activities and offer the best and ideal place for picnic .

The only accommodation there is a rest house owned by irrigation department. 

Best time to visit mana valley is in summer , The apple apple orchards , wild flowers, juniper trees scattered around the village gives  a unique, beautiful and spectacular view. 
The mana valley is easy to reach. The road leading to it is in good condition It is accessible by a public and  private transport both.


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